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Western Electric 422A pair




Selling, “ONE PAIR” of Western Electric’s premium rectifiers, possibly the world’s finest, the 422A.

Some may argue the WE274B, which commands house refinancing money, is sweeter and more euphonic, but to my ears the 422A in Allnic’s big phono stages has no peers. With trademark powerful and linear bass, quiet background, extended bandwidth and deep sound staging and layering, these tubes transform great circuits into monsters! Having owned and compared other great rectifiers like the Mullard big bulb GZ37, GEC U52, and Mullard GZ34 metal base I discovered the 422A in my house and in my system reigns supreme.

This pair for sale is identically date coded last week of 1965 and will ship in original packaging. Only ONE PAIR of 3 we purchased for our big Allnic phono stages. Once owned, you’ll NEVER wish to be without.

Recent Ebay auctions of used pairs of WE 422As have been selling anywhere from 2000-3500, depending on usage and mileage.

This offering of a pair WE422A are matched electrically and date coded NOS. $2900 Firm

To buy, call David at 250.826.6872


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