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Allnic AUT2000 Step up transformer system



Fresh trade of a one year old Allnic AUT2000 step up transformer system with 4 different gain settings.

Customer traded up to the new H5500 phono stage.

The 6 pound milled aluminum casing for KS Parks custom Permalloy core, the same step up transformers as used in Allnic’s H8000, H7000 and H5500. AUT2000 with it’s gorgeously crafted chassis provides owners confidence and sonic greatness with excellent hum shielding properties and its immense heft.

Customer comments are ” dead quiet!, No hum, love the variable 22, 26, 28 and 32dB of gain. WOW, this is built like the proverbial Sh+t House!”

Musical benefits include a peer deep into the sound stage transparency being excellently neutral. AUT2000 possesses highly desired dynamic gain and clean, quiet backgrounds without leaving its signature on your great cartridges performance. Recent 2021 price increase of the AUT2000 to $3000 makes this a terrific investment at $1400.



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